Unlocking the Full Potential of Staff-plus Engineers

For senior engineers navigating the complexities of the staffplus role, the path can be challenging. My talks are designed to help you better understand the responsibilities, behaviours, and strategies required to manage competing priorities and drive meaningful impact in your organisation. By addressing the nuances of the role, my aim is to equip you with practical insights that enhance your effectiveness and leadership.

At the same time, for senior leaders, there's often a missed opportunity to fully harness the value staffplus engineers bring. These engineers hold strategic knowledge that, when utilised properly, can significantly improve organisational performance. However, many organisations struggle to align this expertise with business goals. My talks not only demystify the staffplus role for engineers but also provide senior leaders with a roadmap for unlocking the untapped potential in their teams.

Whether you're a senior engineer looking to excel in your role or a Director, VP, or C-suite leader seeking to maximise the impact of your technical teams, I can offer actionable insights to help bridge the gap.

Explore my past speaking engagements and topics here